Wealth is an embodied state.

It’s the feeling you’re truly seeking when you writing about the money and cash you want to manifest.

You want to feel wealthy.

You want to experience wealth.

You want to express wealth.

And here’s the thing, you’re meant to be, do, have all of the above.

It’s coded into you. Your body already knows how to connect to your wealth identity. It knows how to create aligned wealth.

Are you ready to truly feel it? Are you ready to experience the sensation of aligned wealth, for the very first time? 

It’s time for your body to meet your unique definition of wealth.

To let it be met, without resistance, so you can FEEL wealth through every ounce of your being, and let it become your compass.

You see, your body is in charge.

If there is fear, doubt or worry associated with your definition of wealth, your body will not move with it, and will not provide you with the intuitive guidance needed for you to experience wealth in your reality.

Right now, you’re likely holding onto other people’s perceptions, beliefs and understandings of wealth. And while you may have clarity on your meaning of wealth, and what it could look like for you, those external perceptions you’ve been plugged into for decades, are going to hold you back.

Afterall, it’s all your body has ever known…until now.

Wealthy, is the experience where you truly let go of all you have every known about wealth. It’s where you unplug from those external narratives, and create the space for your body to build a relationship with what wealth means to YOU.

This is where you connect to the sensations and internal experiences associated with YOUR meaning and definition of wealth, and allow them to influence your thoughts, narratives, beliefs and actions. 

The result? A complete shift in reality, where you witness your life become a true representation of what wealth means to you.

There is a way you are meant to create and experience wealth, that is very unique to you, and Wealthy is going to help you connect and lead with this knowing.

What to expect inside this experience?

Each module begins with discussion, conversation and guidance, to help you access the “aha” moment. Then you are brought into a Breakthrough Breathwork session, to allow your body to integrate the “aha” moment, so your reality begins to shift. Over the three modules we are focussing on:

UNPLUGGING - Move through the process of unplugging, and bringing yourself into deep connection with your FEELINGS of wealth. We invite your body to meet your clarity of vision, so it can attune itself, and as a result guide into the life you TRULY want to live.

CULTIVATION - Dive deeper into understandING how to intentionally trigger yourself into your own feelings of wealth. We focus strongly on creating a Sensory Profile for your version of wealth, so you can know exactly how to bring yourself into those feelings by CHOICE. This will then support you in making decisions that allow your life to be a physical representation of what wealth means to you.

EXPANDING AND HOLDING IT ALL - This is where we expand your nervous systems capacity to hold all your truly desire and more. The key within all this work, is to ensure you, your body, your emotional body, and nervous system feel safe to receive it, hold it and be in it. Once this piece comes together, your life will unfold so beautifully.

This is such a powerful process, and one that will bring you into feelings of relief, love, liberation and WEALTH.

After all, the aim of the game is to FEEL wealthy ;-)

The Finer Details:

  • 3 x 2 hour modules, accessible immediately.

  • Integration work to complete between modules.

  • A private community exclusive for all NCC students.