Have you ever felt confused about the manifestation teaching “You have to feel it first, before it manifests in your reality”?

Have you ever wondered “how on earth can I feel something, that I haven’t experienced yet’?

If you’re nodding “YES!”, then you’re in the right place, because I am going to unconfuse you and bring you some solid clarity.

Inside this masterclass and breathwork experience, you’re going to understand HOW to feel it first.

You are going to finally figure out how to bring your version of wealth into your reality.

How many wealth, manifestation and money books have you read? Come on, be honest.

I’ll go first - too many.

BUT, there’s a something very interesting about each book that I would love to share with you.

They all contain the SAMEEEE guidance. 

You have to feel the energy, emotions and sensations of your desires first.

You have to FEEL wealthy first, before your life can become a physical representation of that feeling.

I would ALWAYS skim over this part. It felt kinda boring AND I didnt really “get it”.

IS this you?

I knew how to conceptualize it. But I didnt know how to embody it BEFORE it materialized.

Then one day, it clicked. It was like the sky parted open, and a beam of light shone upon me (que hallelujah music).

During a combination of writing, visualizing and breeathwork, I FELT IT!

I momentarily merged with the version of me, who lived the life I truly desired, and I felt everything she felt.

My body received the blueprint on how to feel my version of wealth, before it become my reality. I was able to FEEL IT FIRST.

I finally understood what all those books were banging on about! AND I was, and still am, witnessing it work!

So here I am, about to share it all with you inside this 90 minute breathwork experience, “FEEL IT FIRST”

You will walk away with:

  • An understanding of why feeling the energy, emotions and sensations of your desire first, matters.

  • A sensory profile for your definition of wealth. This is HOW you get yourself into the state of wealth. This is HOW you become magnetic to the resources (like money) that will support you in building your aligned wealthy life.

  • A new relationship to time, so you can hold absolute certainty that the wealthy life you desire, is 100% going to unfold for you.

  • A step by step guide on how to build a powerfully activating visualization practice, that keeps your attention and focus on your desires.

  • A breathwork practice that you can do over and over again, to keep you plugged into the energy, emotions and sensations connected to a life that represents wealth to YOU.

The Finer Details:

  • This masterclass is $39, with lifetime access.

  • We go live on March 19th @ 2pm pst. If you are unable to join us live, no probs, the replay will be uploaded to your dashboard right away. You can do this masterclass, and the breathwork, as many times as you wish!

  • I encourage you to carve out time to devote yourself to this experience. It has been specifically designed to lead you into a breakthrough, beginning with your mind, and then descending deep into the body. Surrender to the process, and you will feel something profound shift within you. NOTE: Do not skip any parts of the experience. It’s important to start with the teaching, and THEN move into breathwork.