The Mentorship

You want to feel something different. 

More joy, more pleasure, more contentment...

…more WEALTH.

You’re ready to stop feeling frustrated that life isnt working out how you want it to.

You know there’s a way to live a wealthy life that’s easeful, simple and effortless.

You know that what you’ve been conditioned to believe isn’t the only way to live a wealthy life.

You’re done with the same old.
You’re fed up with all the mindset work.
You’re over the cookie cutter approach to creating a life you desire.


I see you…

Something in you is niggling away. You’re questioning the status quo when it comes to wealth.

What if I don’t want to do it their way?
What if I don’t truly believe the same thing they do about wealth?”
What if I want to experience wealth differently?

Deep down you know that for decades, other people’s beliefs and feelings have been infiltrating your decisions and action around building a wealthy life.

And now you’re in a place wondering why things aren’t working out how they are “supposed” to, and left feeling the heaviness of defeat.

Up until now, you’ve been questioning yourself and your worth.

Somewhere along the way you’ve forgotten that you get to CHOOSE your definition of wealth, and how you experience it in your inner and outer worlds.

Somewhere along the way you’ve forgotten that wealth is a feeling you can access at any time. A feeling that can completely transform your reality.

Well, this is where you remember and connect to your truth about what wealth means and feels like to you. Life is about to change.

What are my clients saying?

Inside our work together, I’m going to help you navigate your emotions, and embody your own feelings of wealth.

  • I guide you in understanding what wealth feels like to you in your body and how to access it on demand. Every thought, belief, decision and action is influenced by a feeling, so lets make that feeling the feeling of WEALTH.

  • I show you how to use your feelings of wealth as a compass, to help you align EVERY aspect of your life (from relationships to business) to your definition of wealth.

  • I teach you how to process every emotion you experience, ensuring nothing gets stuck in your body, so you can always access the fullness of feeling wealthy.

  • I walk with you and support you as you take the most aligned action to ensure you life represents your meaning of wealth.

You’ve got the rituals…

You’re reading the books…

You’re doing a tonne of mindset work…

And you also know there’s something else to be done to get you where you desire to go…

You’re yearning for the visceral, full body “click”, when the aha moment lands.

You’re looking for that deep profound “holy shit, this is it” breakthrough.

Yet, you’re feeling resistance because deep down you know it involves work you’ve never done before. You’re going to dive deep into places you’ve not visited before.

You know you’re going to have to get face to face with the uncomfortable.

Well, it’s time to stop avoiding the exact thing that is going to allow you to really feel wealthy, and have a life that is a true representation of your unique definition of wealth.

Buckle up, take a deep breath and lets go, because on the other side of this is everything you’ve deeply desired.

What else will you receive inside this space?

  • Guidance in identifying beliefs about wealth, that aren’t yours, and how to disconnect from them.

  • Understand every single emotional experience you have, and the messages they hold for you about your desires and your truth.

  • Learn how to access your own unique definition of wealth, and use it as the blueprint you build your life from.

  • Translate your body’s language around wealth, and how this sensation FEELS in the body, so you can use it as a compass in ALL decision making. This is the “how”when it comes to building the life that is a true representation of what wealth means to you.

  • Rewire your relationship to money, and learn to liberate yourself from it. Free up the mental and energetic space money was taking up, resulting in the spaciousness to hold true WEALTH.

  • Guidance in fully embodying wealth in all areas of your life, making changes to create deeper alignment and congruence with what wealth means to you.

All this…but also more…SO MUCH MORE.

Included inside this 6 month mentorship experience:

  • 2x 1:1 coaching calls per month

  • 1x Breakthrough Breathwork™️ session per month.

  • Unlimited voxer messenger access.

  • Automatic enrollment into any program launched during our time together.*

(*excluding masterminds and limited space programs)


You are ready to embody your version of wealth, to understand it, to allow it to become your reality. You are ready to experience your life in a whole new way that feels free, liberated and rooted in love.