You’re here because you feel her, don’t you?
You’ve begun to experience what it feels like to be in your electric feminine energy, and now you’re desiring to be in that place consistently.
You’re ready to make space for her to lead you, to guide you, to activate you.
You’re ready to heal the wounded masculine and bring forward the lightness of the feminine.
Are you ready to embark on the most wildly activating journey of your life?
(You know that tingling feeling you have right now? That’s her whispering “hell yes, I’m ready”, trust her.)
(Bundle Awaken The Feminine and The Rising Feminine Mastermind and save $100)
You’ve been flip flopping your energy between the forcing and pushing, and the surrendering and trusting. I get it, and it feels exhausting right?
One minute you’re high on life itself, overflowing with gratitude and glittering in excitement, and then the next minute you’re crashing and burning, “shoulding” all over yourself, giving into the pressure of high expectations. It quite the rollercoaster, agreed?
Thing is you KNOW how to embrace your feminine energy, you KNOW how to activate her, you KNOW exactly what to do to invite her in and surrender to her leadership.
So what’s the issue? What’s causing you to fall back into those old ways that leave you frustrated and self sabotaging?
You’ve not yet healed your wounded masculine (or the wounded feminine). You’re bypassing the most important piece of your rising journey. The HEALING.
And this is why you’ve been lead here.
In this intimately exclusive mastermind, you will finally let go and release yourself from your old ways, and create the divine space for your electric feminine energy to stay, for good.
How delicious does this sound?
Inside the Rising Feminine Mastermind:
You will unearth the beliefs you hold that are tied to the toxic masculine energy, and reprogram your subconscious to hold space for beliefs connected to your empowered feminine energy.
You will break generational patterning and behaviours that are connected to the wounded masculine + feminine energies, freeing yourself while giving permission for other women to do the same.
You will learn beautiful ways to prevent yourself getting stuck in your own mind, freeing yourself from feelings such as overwhelm and overthinking.
You will understand how to truly inhabit your beautiful body and raise your self worth in ways you’ve never been able to before.
You will release the need for control as a coping mechanism, and learn how to fully surrender to the flow of your own life (you can’t trust if you’re being controlling).
You will begin learning how to follow your own intuitive nudges, while being held, supported and encouraged by other incredible women.
You will learn the importance of pleasure in every sense of the word, so you can activate your sensuality and magnetism.
You will redefine what it means to have fun, allowing you to take your life + relationship to the next level. No more guilt round CHOOSING fun daily!
You will learn how to tap into desirable emotions and how to set emotional intentions that feel incredible.
These are just some of the most incredible things you will get to do and embody inside this intimate mastermind.
Your own transformation will be the inspiration for ALL women.
You will change the trajectory of your life in the most sensational of ways.
This is the work you are here for. This is where you are meant to be.
The Finer Details:
8 weeks inside a beautiful and intimate group setting. (6 spaces only)
All calls are held on zoom and are 1-1.5 hours.
All calls are live and recorded so you can rewatch until your heart’s content.
A private chat group for exclusive support in between calls.
Are you ready to embark on your journey to embracing and inhabiting your feminine energy?