To the ones who are ready to build an emotionally healthy relationship to money,

To the ones who are ready to change the way they FEEL about money,

To the ones who are ready to attract aligned amounts of money, so they can build a life that is their own version of wealth

This breathwork experience is for you.

I think if you sat through another money mindset program, you’d pass out from boredom - no?!

You’re over it. The teachings are the same, and quite honestly, they didn’t provide you with the transformation promised.

You’re annoyed, because you’re doing all the doing when it comes to attracting money, but its not working.

Like “What am I doing wrong? Why isn’t this working?”

And now you’re just fed up.

You want money. Nothing wrong with that. But you’re done with the regurgitated teachings.

You’re at information capacity. Meaning, you don’t want to be talked AT anymore in programs and courses.

So, now you are here, because you know I have something completely different for you. 

Here’s what I know to be true:

You have all the knowledge you need to attract money. You really do. No more teachings. No more information to absorb.

The challenge you’re facing is applying it all.

All those aha moments you’ve had, from courses to books, are passing you by, unused.


Because there’s something going on much deeper. In your body.

Your body doesnt feel safe, secure or trusting of money.

Your body is holding a LOT of unprocessed emotion in relation to money, causing it to reject the idea of having and holding money.

There is residual resentment, anger, disappointment and fear stored within your body, about money. Memories of hurt, struggle and defeat.

And this is the issue. Not the mindset stuff.

Your body doesnt FEEL good about money. 

And up until now, this was something you werent consciously aware…because if you were, then you would have dealt with it.

No matter how much mindset work you do, if the body isn’t on board, money isnt coming.

Lucky for you, I have a solution to this…

MONEY is a 6 week breathwork only experience that focuses solely on healing your emotional relationship to money, so you can finally attract amounts that are aligned for you. 

We will use breathwork to release the stuck emotions, old patterns and past experiences you have around money, leaving behind the space to build a healthy, safe and trusting relationship.

As a result, you no longer repel out of fear, but instead, attract from a place of trust and safety.

This is for you if:

  • You feel stuck with money.

  • You are bored of the same old money mindset teachings.

  • You’re at information capacity now. No more being talked at in programs and courses. Time for something else.

  • You are clear on the life you desire and how its feels, and you are ready to target your relationship to money.

  • You want to try something that’s very different to anything you’ve done before!

Inside this 6 week experience:

Together we will work through the Sacred Order of Emotional Release, and clear out any sticky, stagnant and heavy emotions you hold in relation to money.

This will create the space for you to build a healthy emotional relationship to money, allowing to to attract and hold aligned amounts of money.

The emotions we will be focussing on are:


Within each module, you will create an intention, and move through three deepening questions. Then you will step into a Breakthrough Breathwork journey, to release the emotions and receive any breakthroughs needed to rewire your relationship to money.

Your body knows exactly what to do, at all times.

It knows what to let go of, and what to create the space for.

All you have to do is surrender and allow it to happen.

You will emerge feeling safe, trusting and loving in your relationship to money.

Finer Details:

MONEY - a 6 week breathwork only experience:

  • Begins July 8th.

  • 6 live experiences.

  • Replays and recordings available 24 hours post live session.

  • Integration Chat & Support for between sessions.

  • Lifetime access.

It’s time to completely recode your relationship to money, so you can attract aligned amounts and build a life that is YOUR version of wealth.

See you inside.