This is a business program like no other.

One that teaches you the emotional energetics of entrepreneurship, allowing you build and grow the business of your dreams.

One that brings together logical learning and somatics to create exceptional transformation.

You will experience alignment happen between your body and your business that will lead to…

…a consistent flow of creativity, sustainable and “always on” magnetism, unshakable confidence and an expanded capacity to hold more.

The gets to be your reality, when you embody The Emotionally Elegant Entrepreneur.

The reason your business isnt growing the way you want, isn’t because of the strategy.

It’s not what you’re doing. (I hope you feel a little relief reading that!)

Its because your body is in resistance to SOMETHING, and even though in your mind it all makes sense, your body is fighting you.

This is the part you’re not taught in business programs and courses.

It’s so important to recognize  just how much your body is in charge of whether your business grows or not.

You’ve likely invested in a multitude of courses and programs, where youve been offered specific outcomes that you deeply desire.

And, you’ve likely not seen the outcome that was promised to you.

So now, all those course logins are collecting dust somewhere deep in the email account abyss.

Heres the thing, when it comes to creativity, sales, launching, money, and social media, if your body is not on board with the goal, action or intention, then no matter what you do, that area of your business won’t budge.

This is where I invite you to slow down, so you can look at your emotional relationship to each aspect of your business, and truly identify why there is a resistance within you.

Every resistance you body has to your business growth, is an invitation to go inwards, translate all the emotions, and heal the very thing thats in your way.

This is the key to long lasting and sustainable business growth.

(You know, someone once told me that the entrepreneurial journey will be the biggest personal growth journey you’ll ever go on, and they were not wrong!)

And this is what I will be leading you through inside The Emotionally Elegant Entrepreneur.

If you have:

A pintrest vision board filled with images that evoke feelings of freedom, wealth and love.

A journal full of beautifully written pages that detail your perfect day as an entrepreneur

A library of books (and courses) on entrepreneurship, that you’ve completed and actioned.

A entrepreneur “I get to do” list, that is always executed because you’re taking all the actions.

BUT…you’re still finding yourself constantly saying:

“Why isn’t this working for me?”

“I’m doing what she’s telling me to do, and it’s still not giving me results”\

“How come this stuff works for her, and I am still stuck here”

Then its not about what you’re doing. It about your emotional relationship to all the different areas of your business.

And THAT is what we work through inside this insanely incredible container!

What to expect inside The Emotionally Elegant Entrepreneur:

Every module includes teaching, education and a transformational breathwork session, that guides you in healing your emotional relationship to these areas of your business:

Creativity - building powerful program, classes and products that come from your truth.

Sales and Launching - creating sales processes that hold you steady and anchor you into certainty.

Client Attraction and Marketing - learning to become sustainably magnetic, so you are attracting soul clients and customers at all times, NO MATTER how you are feeling.

Wealth Creation - uncover your true meaning of wealth, and how your business will support you in creating it.

Social Media - embody confidence as you show up, become visible and use your voice to influence the collective.

We will uncover, dive in, dig deep, heal and evolve through each and every module.

Together we will bring you into such powerful connection to each of these areas of your business, that you will walk away vibrating in an energy that explodes your business into its next level.

The Finer Details:

  • 8 modules (approx 1.5 hours).

  • A private community exclusive for all NCC students.

  • Live Integration Calls (only avail for live version of the program)


  • 6 private mentorship calls.

  • Audio recordings of all mentorship calls to keep forever.

  • 8 modules (approx 1.5 hours).

  • A private community exclusive for all NCC students.

  • Live Integration Calls (only avail for live version of the program)